Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Animal Lover

I saw more than my share of dead animals during the month of May.

Maybe it's because I drive so much now--commuting an hour to and from work--and cover more ground, that I see more lifeless animals than the average person.  While driving past dead pets off the side of the highway has become commonplace for me, it hasn't gotten any less sad.  I still hold a little vigil for each one, saying a prayer for the owner who might or might not know of its end.

Most recently, I discovered a dead cat in our front yard.  When I determimed that the unknown mass was indeed a furry animal of some kind, I clapped and spoke and made a bunch of noise in order to wake it.  I realized upon getting closer, however, that this feline was taking more than a cat nap. He or she had begun the eternal slumber.

It's really a shame that so many animals aren't taken care of in this world.  It makes me sick to think about the great number that are abused or abandoned.  The ASPCA commercial on the subject (with Sarah McLachlan singing in the background) nearly always brings tears to my eyes.  If I had the space and resources, I'd adopt them all.

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